You are the risk manager at University Hospital. | Homework Help

The facility just hired a new Emergency Department receptionist who is disabled and confined to a wheelchair. Her initial hiring and drug screen was compliant with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Six months later during routine drug screening (that all employees take), she turns up positive for cocaine and is terminated immediately. You just received notice of her intent to sue for unjust termination for violating the ADA.

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You are the risk manager at University Hospital. | Homework Help
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DQ1: Research and review the American with Disability Act. Describe any considerations for the employee in the scenario regarding her employment. Be specific. Finally, determine whether you believe the suit is defensible. Justify your response.

  1. 2. Choose a legal issue and a healthcare setting. Briefly describe both. Then suggest the top 3 risks that you think should be considered in this setting. Finally, suggest a way to mitigate each of these risks.


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