Written Sales Proposal


These ALS should be no longer than two pages (single-spaced Word documents) and include references to the documents/articles you use and refer to. Written Sales Proposal  Please complete a 2 page written sales business proposal to Sheralyn Berry CEO, Contiki Tours to make a donation to our live sales assignment following her recent guest lecture.  Please make sure to tailor the message in your proposal to customer relevance, as discussed in Chapter 6 of The Challenger Sale.  There should be 5 parts to your proposal. 1. Executive Summary 2. Your Value Proposition 3. Customer Needs Identification and Proposed Solution (based on what you learned in the role play), 4. Donation Options, 5. Implementation & Timeline.  An Appendix can be included. References should be in APA format. I will also submit the live sales assignment file so check it out, and search Sheralyn Berry and Contiki website

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