Why did people join Garvey’s movement?

Paper instructions


Highlight each of the readings with bullet points. 2. Take notes from the films. There will be questions for each film. 3. Reflect and highlight the topics you encountered from the films, readings, and lectures of the week. and write a 2-4 paragraph personal reflection on what you have learned.

First film:

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Why did people join Garvey’s movement?
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1.Why did people join Garvey’s movement? Come up with a least 3 reasons.
2. Why was his movement “revolutionary”?
3. What were the goals of his movement? Come up with at least 3 goals.

Second file:

1.What did Malcolm teach when he was in the Nation of Islam?
2.How does Malcolm define Black Nationalism?
3.Malcolm eventually leaves the Nation of Islam. Why? Think about Malcolm’s statements about voting, police brutality, American presidents, and the Civil Rights Movement.
4.What was Malcolm’s final solutions to the situation of Black people in America?


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