Which of the following bacterial types can produce endospore | Homework Help

__16)  Which of the following bacterial types can produce endospores, enabling them to survive hundreds of years in a dormant state?

A)    Vibrio                    C) Clostridium

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Which of the following bacterial types can produce endospore | Homework Help
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B)    Bacillis                  D) A & B Only           E) B & C Only

__17)  Exposure to oxygen will kill…

A)    obligate anaerobes             C) facultative aerobes

B)    obligate aerobes                D) aerotolerant aerobes

__18)  Heterocysts are thick-walled cells that keep _____________ out so that nitrogen fixation can operate.     

A) oxygen                   B) carbon dioxide                   C) water                      D) nitrogen

__19)  Methanogens _________________ methane levels which would most likely ______________ global temperatures.

A) increase, increase       B) increase, decrease     C) decrease, increase   D) decrease, decrease

__20)  All of the following are bacteria-caused illnesses EXCEPT:

A)    cholera                               C) the common cold

B)    whooping cough               D) leprosy



__1)  In the angiosperm (flowering plant) life cycle, what results from the fusion of one of the two sperm cells with the two gametophyte nuclei?

A)    a diploid zygote                            C)  a diploid embryo

B)    a triploid endosperm                     D)  haploid pollen grains

__2)  In the angiosperm (flowering plant) life cycle, what is the mature male gametophyte?

A)    the inside part of an ovule                        C) a germinated pollen grain with a pollen tube

B)    a pollen grain                                 D) a seed

__3)  It is thought that carpels and stamens are highly modified _______________.

A)    roots                      C)  leaves

B)    stems                     D)  fruits

__4)  Which of the following flowering plant groups probably appeared first?

A)    Amborella                         C)  Star Anise             E) Monocots

B)    Water Lilies                       D)  Magnoliids

__5)  Which of the following descriptions does NOT fit with the others?

A)    flower parts in 3’s                         C) a taproot system

B)    parallel veins in leaves                   D) one seed leaf

__6)  Identify the monocot among the following answer choices:

A)    oak                                    C)  bermuda grass

B)    southern magnolia             D)  maple

__7)  The MAIN function of fruits in angiosperms is…

A)    protection of seeds                        C)  attracting pollinators

B)    pollen dispersal                             D)  seed dispersal

__8)  True/False:  Bananas and tomatoes would both be classified as berries.

__9)  Which of the following secondary metabolites protect plants from U-V damage and the formation of dangerous free radicals?

A)    phenolics               C) terpenoids              E) B & D Only

B)    terpenes                 D) alkaloids                 F) C & D Only

__10)  A plant producing large, white, fragrant flowers with large amounts of nectar probably use ______________ as pollinators.

A)    bees                       C)  birds

B)    bats                        D)  flies

__11)  True/False:  Shattering has increased among plant groups including wheat and corn as a result of domestication.

__12)  Fungi are placed in the same Supergroup as…

A)    someprotists.                     C) plants.                     E) A, B, & C

B)    animals.                             D) A & B Only

__13)  Identify the most advanced, modern fungal phylum among the following answer choices:

A)    Basidiomycota                  C)  Zygomycota

B)    Chytridiomycota               D) AM Fungi

__14)  All of the following are ways fungi are similar to animals EXCEPT:

A)    fungi store extra food in the form of glycogen

B)    fungi have cells walls made if chitin

C)    fungi are heterotrophic

D)    fungi exhibit absorptive nutrition

__15)  The “body” of a fungus is actually a bunch of thread-like _________________ that make an entire ___________________.

A)    mycelia, hypha                  B) hyphae, mycelium              C) fruiting bodies, hyphae

__16)  Fungal growth involves…

A)    vesicles carrying cell wall components to the tips of hyphae                  

B)    water entering hyphae via osmosis

C)    lengthening primarily at the tips of hyphae

D)    A & C Only          E) A, B, & C

__17)  True/False:  In aseptate hyphae, hyphal cells typically contain 3 or more nuclei.

End of Chapter 33 (Arthropods & Invertebrate Chordates)


__1. Respiration in adult terrestrial insects is achieved by way of: A. gillsB. tracheaeC. book lungsD. passage of respiratory gases through the cuticleE. Malphigian tubules

__2. The defining characteristics of the phylum Arthropoda are: A. jointed legs, ecdysis, and an exoskeletonB. antennae, six legs, and mandiblesC. compound eyes, book lungs, and the hemocoelD. Malphigian tubules, ommatidia, and tagmataE. spiracles, cephalothorax, and proboscis

__3. Which of the following is NOT an arthropod group? A. crabsB. trilobitesC. centipedesD. mitesE. nautilus


__4. Which of the following structures is NOT possessed by spiders? A. cephalothoraxB. pedicelC. pedipalpsD. spinneretsE. antennae


__5. Which of the following couplets DOES NOT give the correct kinds of insects contained in the Order? A. Coleoptera: beetlesB. Lepidoptera: grasshoppersC. Diptera: flies

D. Hemiptera: bugsE. Hymenoptera: ants, bees, and wasps

__6. The change of a larval form of insect to a different adult form is known as: A. tagmosisB. incomplete metamorphosisC. complete metamorphosisD. instarE. chrysalis

__7. Which of the following kinds of animals are NOT crustaceans? A. krillB. barnaclesC. ostracodsD. pill bugsE. scorpions

__8. Which of the following is NOT an immature stage of an animal? A. naupliusB. trochophoreC. caterpillarD. nymphE. swimmeret

__9. Which of the following statements best describes features that are characteristic of crustaceans? A. two pairs of antennaeB. antennal glands and maxillary glandsC. calcium carbonate deposited in the exoskeletonD. internal fertilizationE. all of the choices provided


__10. Which of the following best describes the route of water into the water vascular system of a starfish? A. Water enters through the madreporite into the ring canal and from thence into the radial canals to the ampullae and finally into the tube feet.B. Water enters the madreporite into the radial canals and from thence into the ring canal, then the ampullae and finally into the tube feet.C. Water enters the madreporite into the ampullae and from thence into the ring canal, then the radial canals to the ampullae and finally into the tube feet.D. Water enters the ampullae and then goes to the tube feet and from thence to the radial canals, then the ring canal, and finally exits through the madreporite.E. Water enters the ring canal, then goes into the radial canals, and finally through the madreporite to the ampullae and tube feet.

__11. Which of the following is not a defining trait of the phylum Chordata? A. notochordB. dorsal hollow nerve cordC. pharyngeal slitsD. post anal tailE. protostome development

__12. The invertebrate group most closely related to the vertebrates is: A. EchinodermataB. UrochordataC. CephalochordataD. OphiouroideaE. Notochordata

__13. In humans the pharyngeal slits mostly disappear during development, except for one pair that in the adults forms: A. a cleft palateB. the Eustachian tubesC. the thyroid glanID. the glottisE. the opening to the voice box

__14. Which of the following statements does NOT correctly describe differences between larval and adult tunicates? A. Larval tunicates have a conspicuous notochord that is lost by the time they become adults.B. Larval tunicates have a hollow dorsal nerve cord that is reduced to only a ganglion in the adult.C. The tail of the larval tunicate is lost by the time it transforms into an adult.D. The pharynx of the larval tunicate becomes more prominent in the adult.E. The larval tunicate lacks an incurrent and excurrent siphon but the adult has both structures.

True or False

__15. Scorpions do not lay eggs but rather give birth to live young. 

__16. Millipedes have a thousand legs whereas centipedes have only a hundred legs. 

__17. There are no parasitic crustaceans. 

__18. Tagmata are segments of the body that represent two or more previous body segments fused together. 

__19. Each arm of the starfish differs internally, one being specialized for reproduction, another for respiration, a third for digestion, a fourth for the water vascular system, and the fifth for the nervous and circulatory systems. 

__20. Echinoderms have an exoskeleton. 


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