What are the allele frequencies after selection | Homework Help

In the peppered moth (Biston betularia), let us assume that black individuals are homozygous for the A allele, grey moths are heterozygous, and white moths are homozygous for the a allele. Suppose that in a sample of 400 moths from one locality (before selection), 68 are black, 192 are grey, and 140 are white.

a. What are the genotype frequencies?
b. What are the allele frequencies of A and a?
c. Is the population in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium?
Let us now assume that the population underwent a major bought of selection. After this selection event the population consisted of 28 black, 148 grey, and 13 white moths.
d. What are the absolute fitnesses?
e. What is the population mean fitness?
f. What are the relative fitnesses?
g. What are the genotype frequencies after selection?
h. What are the allele frequencies after selection?
i. What is the change in the frequency of the recessive allele?
j. What type of selection occurred?

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