Week 5 Antimicrobial Susceptibilities of Local Bacterial Analysis Paper Prompt 1:This week, you will write a 2- to 3-page paper on antibiograms and their r

Week 5 Antimicrobial Susceptibilities of Local Bacterial Analysis Paper Prompt 1:This week, you will write a 2- to 3-page paper on antibiograms and their role in infectious disease epidemiology.
Review this week’s readings and antibiogram resources and then answer the following questions:

What is an antibiogram? How is it created and used to prevent the growth of multidrug resistant organisms?
Research and describe a controversy concerning antibiograms. Be sure to use credible, scholarly sources.

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Week 5 Antimicrobial Susceptibilities of Local Bacterial Analysis Paper Prompt 1:This week, you will write a 2- to 3-page paper on antibiograms and their r
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Your paper must be 2–3 pages in length. Include evidence or information from at least one credible external source and follow APA style for formatting and citation.
   Your textbook and supplemental reading material may be used as a reference. The APA format for your text is as follows:
Nelson, K. E. (2014). Infectious disease epidemiology (3rd ed.). Burlington, MA: Jones and Bartlett Learning.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2011). Principles of epidemiology in public health practice: Self-study course (3rd ed.). Atlanta, GA: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

Prompt 2 :Anytown needs your help to determine what intervention programs are available for opioid users.
There are no programs currently available for the residents, so swift action is necessary. Your supervisor at the Department of Health has asked you to prepare a report on an intervention program. If this report is approved, you may be tasked with a full report to submit to the director.

Use the same study from discussion prompt 1, which discusses the efficacy of a treatment program for opioid use and answer the following questions:

What hypothesis was proposed? Did the researchers obtain an answer?
What type of intervention was utilized?
How were the participants selected?
What were the modes of data collection, analysis, and interpretation?
Do you think this can work in Anytown? Explain your answer.

The report should be 2–3 pages, excluding title and references pages. Use current APA formatting to style your paper and to cite your sources. Integrate a minimum of two scholarly sources into the paragraphs of your paper. Use internal citations pointing to evidence in the literature and supporting your ideas. You will need to include a reference page.

See the rubric for specific grading criteria.
  You will use this same intervention program in your week 8 signature assignment.


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