Watch video than right 300 words

Assignment Instructions Write a short (approximately 1 page or 300-word) response to the reading Summarize – What is video about? What did you find most interesting or relevant? How can you relate this situation or the creative problem solving concept for this week to your own life? Substantive = having real value or importance; of an academic nature Completion = all parts of the assignment are addressed; all instructions followed Respond to these questions: 3-5 Sentences Shorter is better Creating a short summary = More likely to remember Pretend you were going to explain it to a friend 3 important aspects or concepts Can be ways Creative Problem Solving (CPS) was used/applied Can be ideas and situations you found interesting from a CPS perspective Share at least two examples Be specific and detailed You can also relate to other people or common experiences Connect to the concept of Empathy as it was discussed in class Document and reflect on your learning Make connections to concepts presented in class videos and activities 12-pt Times New Roman text, 1” margins, double spaced Cite in MLA or APA format any quoted or paraphrased material or any article or work used The assignment will be graded for substantive completion.

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