TOPIC Healthy communication in relationships What interests you about families? I want you to pick a topic that will make a difference | Homework Help

What interests you about families? I want you to pick a topic that will make a difference for you and/or your family. (4 pages)
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TOPIC Healthy communication in relationships What interests you about families? I want you to pick a topic that will make a difference | Homework Help
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TOPIC: Healthy communication in relationships What interests you about families? I want you to pick a topic that will make a difference for you and/or your family. 4 pages minimum 3 peer reviewed resources (not no-name websites- check with librarian resouces in DB) my 3 resources are at the bottom Abstract

(summary) Responses to changes in relational uncertainty within dating relationships: Emotions and communication strategies,+Leanne+K/$N?accountid=38129Knobloch, Leanne K;,+Denise+Haunani/$N?accountid=38129Solomon,

Denise Haunani$N/36627/DocView/233194731/abstract/2162990E81FD4802PQ/5?accountid=38129Communication Studies$23Fall+2003$3b++Vol.+54+$283$29/54/3?accountid=3812954.3 (Fall 2003): 282-305. Guided by the appraisal theory of emotion, this paper examines how various emotions shape communication strategies within romantic relationships.

Events that changed people’s relational uncertainly levels provide the context for the investigation. Participants in dating relationships (N = 141) described their experience of relational certainty and uncertainty increasing events. Relational certainty increases coincided with relatively high levels of happiness, and relational uncertainty increases corresponded with heightened degrees of anger and sadness. Integrative behaviors were a frequently reported response…



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