The life threatening health problems caused by genetic engineered foods have caused doctors from around the world to sensitize people on the harmful effects of these foods. | Homework Help

       The life threatening health problems caused by genetic engineered foods have caused doctors from around the world to sensitize people on the harmful effects of these foods.

For a long time people did not know the causes of some of their health problems until some characteristics of the problems could be traced back to the consumption of these foods. The current concern of medical professionals is to discourage people from consuming these foods because of the serious health risks that are associated with them. These foods are also harmful to animals.

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The life threatening health problems caused by genetic engineered foods have caused doctors from around the world to sensitize people on the harmful effects of these foods. | Homework Help
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            According to Smith (2003) taking milk from cows treated with recombinant Bovine Growth Hormone (rBGH) puts one at a high risk of getting cancer. This hormone is used to increase the amount of milk produced by cows but such milk is said to contain a hormone called Insulin- like Growth Factor 1 (ICG- 1) which is known to cause cancer of the lungs, colon, prostrate and even breast cancer. Apart from cancer, it is also of low nutritional value and therefore not fit for human consumption.

Gastro – intestinal disorders

Studies in the US showed that upon introduction of genetically modified foods, there were increased rates of gastrointestinal disorders. One of the major contributing factors was said to be the consumption of Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) maize which is said to contain high levels of toxins which cause serious damage to the intestines. It is believed that the maize was the cause of these disorders because in Sweden no changes were observed as such foods were not consumed (Smith, 2003). Studies in Japan also confirmed that the maize was poisonous as cows that ate the same type of maize died soon afterwards.

High level of toxins

            According to the Financial Express Times (2010), Studies have shown that when new genes are infused to animals and crops,

they end up increasing the level of toxic substances in the animals and plants and when consumed by human beings they up end elevating their toxic levels which can be dreadful. The impact is much greater when these crops and animals are consumed over long periods of time. The effects of these genetically modified foods were only discovered after many years of study and only because the signs and symptoms were distinctive, otherwise their effects would not have been discovered. The toxic substances in genetically engineered foods are known to have a high concentration than is the case for natural foods.

Gene mutations

            Studies have also shown that consumption of genetically engineered foods such as Bt maize could alter the gene make up of human beings. The maize contain a harmful DNA called the CaMV(Cauliflower Mosaic Virus) that is cancerogenic and that is closely related to dreadful human viruses which cause Hepatitis B and even AIDS. Scientists believe that the animal virus has been changed into a plant virus. It was also established that grains on one cob of maize contained millions CaMV (Smith 2003).

Allergic reactions

A study done in one of the universities in Nebraska revealed that these foods can cause strong allergies in human beings. In the study, Brazilian nuts were infused into soy beans and the protein in the nuts caused allergic reactions in people who ate the soy beans (Reisner, 2001). It was also noted that in India farmers also developed allergic reactions after coming into contact with genetically modified maize. These allergies were compared to those caused by chemical sprays.

Organ damage

            An experiment done on rats where the rats were fed genetically modified soy beans showed some considerable changes in the liver of the rats. Some major changes were noted in the cell nucleus of the liver and this affirmed that genetically modified foods could serious damages to the liver. The damages also extended to the pancreas of the rats and within three weeks the rats had died (Malatesta et al, 2003). The rats also experienced bleeding stoma


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