The healthcare market | Homework Help

Analyze the current health care delivery structure in your state. Compare and contrast the major determinants of healthcare market power. Analyze the main competitive forces in the your healthcare delivery system in your state, and compare the major factors that influence the fundamental manner in which these competitive forces determine prices, supply and demand, quality of care, consumerism, and providers’ compensation. Evaluate the positive benefits and negative aspects, respectively, of HMO managed care from the provider’s point of view—i.e., a physician and a healthcare facility—and from a patient’s point of view. Provide a rationale for your response. Assess the efficiency of the types of economic incentives available to providers in the delivery of healthcare services in your own state. Propose who bears the financial risk of a capitation payment system: the provider, the patient, or the consumer-driven health plan itself. Use at least five (5) current references. Three of these references must be from current peer-reviewed sources to support and substantiate your comments and perspectives.

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