(Stata) Data analysis and forecast both nominal and real GDP and other variables for COVId 19


To Forecasting:  Data sources and analysis of the data variables: Forecast nominal and real GDP, unemployment, economic policy uncertainty index, stock market index, consumption expenditures, export and import, inflation for four Provinces (ON, QB, BC, Alberta) in Canada. Period:monthly from 2004 to 2020 Sources from: bank of canada, staticisics canada 1. An explanation of the data sources you will use. For each variable you have to provide the series that you will use and from what source. You need to cite the relevant table and series.  2. You then present your data analysis: the descriptive statistics, correlation tables and scatter plots. (stata or excel). You need to analysis, before COVID and during COVID (Feb 2020 to date). After your data analysis you may decide to revise your model. For example, you may decide not to include some of the variables in your estimated model if they are too highly correlated.  3. Need The detailed references for the data.

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(Stata) Data analysis and forecast both nominal and real GDP and other variables for COVId 19
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