Somatic cells of chimpanzees have 48 chromosomes | Homework Help

Q1. Somatic cells of chimpanzees have 48 chromosomes.

How many chromatids and chromosomes are present at (a) anaphase of mitosis, (b) anaphase I of meiosis, (c) anaphase II of meiosis, (d) G1 prior to mitosis, (e) G2 prior to mitosis, (f) G1 prior to meiosis I, and (g) prophase of meiosis I?

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Q2. A. explains what you observed in your plaque smear wet mount, direct stained slide, and indirectly stained slide. What were similarities and differences?

B. Describe what you observed in your cheek smear wet mount, direct stained slide, and indirectly stained slide. What were similarities and differences?

C. Describe what you observed in your yeast wet mount, direct stained slide, and indirectly stained slide. What were similarities and differences?

D. Were cell types the identical in all three specimen sets: yeast, plaque, and cheek? How were they similar? How were they different?


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