Solution-What are the genotypes of the two parents | Homework Help

In a plant, the allele that results in violet flowers (V) is dominant to one that results in white flowers (v); at another locus, the allele that makes prickly seed capsules (P) is dominant to one that results in smooth capsules (p). A plant with white flowers and prickly capsules is crossed with one that has violet flowers and smooth capsules. The resulting seeds were planted and yielded 50 plants with white flowers and prickly capsules, 46 plants with white flowers and smooth capsules, 45 plants with violet flowers and prickly capsules, and 47 plants with violet flowers and smooth capsules. What are the genotypes of the two parents?

A) vvPP and VVpp

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B) vvPp and VvPp

C) vvPp and Vvpp

D) vvpp and VVPP

E) vvpp and VvPp


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