Solution-Explain fallacy of a person”s hair turning white | Homework Help

1) The most superficial layer of skin, made of keratinocytes, is dead and provides a protective barrier. If the keratinocytes were a live at the surface, how could that compromise the protective function of the integument?

2) Electrolysis is the process of hair removal by using electric current. Explain how this might destroy the process of hair growth in reaction to the hair bulb?

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Solution-Explain fallacy of a person”s hair turning white | Homework Help
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3) Since hair color is determined by pigment in the coxtex and the hair shaft is dead, explain the fallacy of a person’s hair turning white overnight?

4) Tattoos consist of ink injected into skin. do you think that the ink is injected into the epidermis or the dermis? what support do you give for your answer?

5) A subcutaneous injection is inserted in hypodermal or subcutaneous layer, based on structures found in the hypodermis and not in the epidermis, why is this a preferred area for administering an injection?


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