Solute showing highest rate of diffusion | Homework Help

Explain the mechanism included in the MWCO membrane of dialysis.

From the following given list:

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Solute showing highest rate of diffusion | Homework Help
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Molecular weight of NaCl –  58.44

Molecular weight of Na  – 22.990

Molecular weight of Cl –  35.453

Molecular weight of Urea – 60.07

Molecular weight of Albumin – 66.430 kDa

Molecular weight of Glucose – 180.15588

a) Which solute(s) were able to pass through 20 MWCO membrane?

b) In accordance with your results, which solute had the highest molecular weight?

c) Which solute showed the highest rate of diffusion through the 200 MWCO membranes?


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