Social media make us lonelier


For this part of the project, you will provide the introduction and the first results of your research study. The introduction should include:  Relation to the well-known – start with an appeal to popular interest and knowledge of the reader;  Definition of key terms, if needed;  Background information based on literature – explain what is already known about the topic to locate the reader in the wider context of your topic. Include references.  Thesis statement – present your thesis statement connecting it to the background information.  Methods – briefly introduce the methods used.  Results – briefly described the main result of your study.  Any limitations – describe potential limitations of your study.  Paper outline – present the structure of your work to help the reader follow your argument. Maximum number of words: 700 The summary of first results should include:  First main result found after data analysis – describe the first result providing evidence based on the data collected (e.g. tables, graphs, pictures,…) and relate this result to your literature review mentioned in the introduction. Maximum number of words: 200 FORMAT:  White A4 paper  Page numbers bottom centered  Black colour font  Times New Roman Size 12 Font (Normal)  Major headings in bold size 14.  Sub-headings in font size 12 bold.  1.15 spacing   Cover sheet (Course code, Course Name, Title of Report, Authors, Student ID#, Date, ADU logo, instructor’s full name, semester)  Titles and figure numbers for tables, charts or pictures  APA Referencing Style for works cited  Save a soft copy and upload onto Blackboard using Turnitin. Only one member of your team should submit the final version.

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Social media make us lonelier
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