Rotenone treated mitochondria affect on oxygen consumption | Homework Help

Rotonone inhibits Complex I Cyanide inhibits Complex IV Oligomycin inhibits ATP synthase You incubate isolated intact mitochondria in a buffered solution containing NADH, ADP plus Pi. Oxygen is consumed and ATP is made.

1. Upon aIDing cyanide you examine the effect on oxygen consumption and the production of ATP. After a period of time has passed what will be the effect on: a) oxygen consumption b) ATP synthesis

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Rotenone treated mitochondria affect on oxygen consumption | Homework Help
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2. You aID the inhibitor rotenone to the respiring mitochondrial preparation. After a period of time has passed, what will be the effect on a) oxygen consumption b) ATP synthesis

3. You aID succinate to the rotenone treated mitochondria. After a period of time has passed, what will be the effect on c) oxygen consumption d) ATP synthesis Explain each effect you predict.



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