reply to discussion | Excelling Homework

On May 22, 2011, Joplin, Missouri experienced one of the worst tornadoes in U.S. history. For your discussion, please review the following materials before addressing Part I and Part II of the thread.
Stephens, K. (2012). Information Aid. As Important to Disaster Survivors as Food. (Links to an external site.)
Thousands of Volunteers Aid in Joplin Clean-Up. (Links to an external site.)
Guevara, S. (2012). How a Midwestern Community is Healing Itself. (Links to an external site.)
Part I: Based on your opinion, your experiences, and what you have learned so far in this course answer the following question.
To what extent is a survivor of a natural disaster (e.g. tornado or mudslide) more or less likely to develop PTSD than someone surviving a human-made disaster (e.g. terrorism, mass transit disaster)?Now let’s apply the module notes and readings to the following questions:
The Joplin, Missouri tornado caused massive damage and destruction as well as the loss of lives. Based on the video of this event and this week’s readings identify aspects of psychological first aid seen in person, via media coverage, or through the accounts from first responders in this disaster.
In what ways does the application of psychological first aid benefit the survivors of a natural disaster such as the Joplin, Missouri event? Consider the perspectives of survivors or the first responders. Incorporate your readings into this response.
Disaster mental health counseling is another form of intervention for PTSD victims. Describe the elements of disaster mental health counseling and the benefits of implementing these with survivors of natural disasters such as the Joplin tornado.

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