RED 2010 Seminole State College Chapter 6 Vocab Lesson Plan Template 1) Using strategies from Chapter 6, you will create a lesson plan for Academic Knowled

RED 2010 Seminole State College Chapter 6 Vocab Lesson Plan Template 1) Using strategies from Chapter 6, you will create a lesson plan for Academic Knowledge Domain Vocabulary in the content area of your choice.

2) Use the Lesson Plan Template to plan your lesson. Be sure it is engaging and requires the students to be active learners rather than passive learners.

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RED 2010 Seminole State College Chapter 6 Vocab Lesson Plan Template 1) Using strategies from Chapter 6, you will create a lesson plan for Academic Knowled
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3) Be sure your lesson plan includes the following:

A Common Core Standard from (Links to an external site.) focusing on the content area of your choice
CCS should be identified in number and word form
Principles for Effective Vocabulary Instruction from pages 223-225 in the text
One (or more) technique or tool from the chapter:
graphic organizer, word bank, word wall, word sort, clap, chant, Hangman, synonym/antonym etc…
A strategy for:
English Learners
Tier 2 RTI struggling readers


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