Psychology Research paper

Paper instructions


Each student will be asked to write a research paper for class. Each research paper will be based on a topic chosen by the student and approved by the instructor. Each student is expected to be in contact with the instructor ether through email or in a meeting in order to choose a topic. The research paper is to be a literature review of a psychology topic that summarizes relevant literature and proposes future research ideas. The summary and interpretation of research along with the proposal of new research are the main components of the paper. The length requirement of the research paper will be 5 pages long (not including the title page or the references page. Longer research papers are allowed; however, shorter research papers are not. All research papers are to be written in Times New Roman 12 pt. font, double-spaced, with 1” margins all the way around. A complete APA “Reference” section should accompany the paper as well. This section is not counted in the length requirement. All papers are to be written in APA writing format. Please see for any questions regarding APA format.

**The grading rubric for the assignment is as follows:

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APA formatted title page = 5 pts APA formatted references page = 5 pts APA formatting for entire paper = 5 pts Spelling, grammar, punctuation = 15 pts

Organization of paper and proper section titles = 10 pts

Content of literature review = 30 pts Interpretation of research = 10 pts

Implications of research and proposed future research = 20 pts

Total = 100 pts This paper must be turned into Taskstream as well as Turnitin to receive full credit.


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