Plan for an innovation in chronic disease | Homework Help

Public Health Promotion

Prepare a detailed health promotion project plan for an innovation in chronic disease/determinant for an Australian community. Explore how you anticipate it will improve health outcomes for the chosen community. Prepare a detailed health promotion project plan for an innovation in chronic disease/determinant for an Australian community. Explore how you anticipate it will improve health outcomes for the chosen community.

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Your assignment should include:

A specific health message.

A health promotion prevention or management plan – community focussed.

Have a distinct target group identified for the health project.

Outline the perspective health outcomes for this project plan You can follow a health project template to base your project on such as the Australian Government Department of Health template: Ten Steps for Planning a Health Promotion Project ( 1-ten-steps-for-planning-a-health-promotion-project/) Or follow the outlines provided in the set text Fleming & Parker 2012: Chapter 13 Health Promotion Or You may identify another appropriate health promotion template Health statistics used for your assignment can be based on the overall Australian population.


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