personal and professional development in the future | Homework Help

personal and professional development in the future
This paper is to address the student’s personal and professional development in the future. To be a complete paper, you have to address the questions below:
1. What is your professional or career goal? What is your career plan (e.g. career path, career
2. Use concepts and theories of individual characteristics (e.g., personality, ability, values) from the textbook to address what organization fits to you. Here I do not mean an exact organization. I expect you to address what organizational characteristics fit to your individual characteristics.
3. Use motivation theories (e.g. intrinsic vs. extrinsic motivation, expectancy theory, goal-setting theory, job design theory) to address your motivation for work and career development.
4. Associate concepts and theories from the textbook to address what are you weaknesses and strengths to be a team player.
5. Address your leadership potentials
6. Address how you deal with stressors from work and how you keep your life-work balance
Your paper is expected to be typed and is not to exceed five double-spaced pages. It is due on April 23th. I will give more information about presentation in the class.
I will use “score boxes” to evaluate your individual paper:
45-50: cover all questions I list above and integrate them coherently
40-45: miss 1-2 questions and answers are not integrated well.
35-40 miss 3 questions and do not integrate your answers.
Less than 35: miss more than 3 questions and do not state your professional development clearly.


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