Ordinary People Conrad Movie Analysis This is a team project. I’m assigned to do Section II based on the movie “Ordinary People” I will be focusing on one

Ordinary People Conrad Movie Analysis This is a team project. I’m assigned to do Section II based on the movie “Ordinary People” I will be focusing on one character “Conrad”

My section will be a total of 3 pages double spaced

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Ordinary People Conrad Movie Analysis This is a team project. I’m assigned to do Section II based on the movie “Ordinary People” I will be focusing on one
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Your Team assignment submittal is a paper which is to be 12 – 15 pages, double spaced, – 1980 following APA guidelines for a formal paper (e.g., title page, headings, font, spacing, etc.).

Selected Movie: Ordinary People- 1980

Your Tasks:

The following sections are required for your team paper:

Section I (Background/History; ecological system)

Section II (Diagnosis and Justification, ecological systems, and strengths)

Section III (Causal and maintenance factors, biopsychosocial model)

Section IV(Treatment plan, legal/ethical)

I was assigned to do Section II

Section II(Diagnosis and Justification, ecological systems, and strengths):

1. For the client chosen in your particular movie (Ordinary People), provide a complete and accurate diagnosis. Give code, diagnosis, and relevant descriptors and specifier(s). * Please note

that you must come to a consensus within your team as you will be turning in one copy of this exam to the professor with all of the names from the team listed on the title page. (Think about this from the perspective of being a member of an interdisciplinary treatment team.)

2. Make sure to justify your diagnosis by linking the specific symptoms to the criteria

they satisfy.

3. Identify and describe the character’s ecological system (e.g., do they have a job, family,

friends, hobbies, religion, spirituality, etc.). Identify/list any client strengths across the

ecological spectrum (micro-macro) that you can utilize to help build a successful

treatment plan. Here are a few examples.

Client Strengths

-high cognitive function (micro) -recognizes problem (micro)

-high initiative for seeking help (micro) -girlfriend is supportive(messo)

-healthy family bonds (messo) -mental health insurance (macro)

Additional Resources:

American Psychiatric Association. (2013). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (5th ed. DSM-5®). Washington, DC: Author.

Corcoran, J. & Walsh, J. (2016). Clinical assessment and diagnosis in social work practice.



I think Conrad has PTSD is because

PTSD is associated with suicidal ideation and suicide attempts, and presence of the disorder may indicate which individuals with ideation eventually make a suicide plan or actually attempt suicide” DSM 5 page 278

also i don’t think diagnosis is acute because

Acute stress disorder is distinguished from PTSD because the symptom pattern in acute stress disorder must occur within 1 month of the traumatic event and resolve within that 1-month period. If the symptoms persist for more than 1 month and meet criteria for PTSD, the diagnosis is changed from acute stress disorder to PTSD”

DSM 5 page 286


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