Name the six general types of bones in the human body | Homework Help

1. Name the six general types of bones in the human body and name one specific example of each type of bone.

2. For each of the following terms, do the following: (1) define the word, (2) breakdown the following words into their individual word parts, and (3) define each word part:

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Name the six general types of bones in the human body | Homework Help
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a. osteomyelitis 
b. chondrosarcoma
c. craniostenosis
d. fibromyalgia
e. poliomyelitis
f. neuropathy

3. Identify the three (3) types of muscle tissue and describe their function and location in the body.

4. For each of the following procedures, do the following: (1) define the word, (2) breakdown the following words into their individual word parts, and (3) define each word part:

a. electromyogram 
b. craniotomy
c. neurectomy
d. myorrhaphy
e. arthroscopy

5. What is the difference between a TIA and a CVA? Make sure to define each acronym in your answer.


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