Mutation analysis on software open source project

For this assignment, you will perform a mutation analysis study for an open-source software project. You will use the PIT mutation framework for Java to perform the mutation analysis.
The project you will analyze is JFreeChart, which has been in this git link…
After the execution of PIT is complete, you should submit the following files for this assignment:
(1) The generated file by PIT
(2) One written report to describe and analyze your results.
In reporting your results, you should include :
The number of all mutants generated
The number of mutantscovered by the test suite
The number of mutantskilled by the test suite
The number of live mutants
The overall mutation score of the test suite
Discuss and explain your observed results.
For the generated mutants, does killed live = covered? Why or why not?
Do you have any other interesting insights or opinions on the experience

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Mutation analysis on software open source project
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