Mid Century Modern Buildings Questions You should answer each question in short paragraph.Below are Focus Questions:Lecture 3.1: How do modern architects u

Mid Century Modern Buildings Questions You should answer each question in short paragraph.Below are Focus Questions:Lecture 3.1: How do modern architects use new materials to create unique designs that adapt to the surrounding environment ? Use this building (Sao Francisco de Assisi, Belo Horizonte, 1943 Oscar Niemeyer) as an example. Lecture 3.2: How did modern architects relate their visions for Monumentality with Nature? Use ( Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum, 1950 Kenzo Tange) as an example.Lecture 3.3: What components, features and elements make up mid-century modern buildings? Lecture 3.4: How did light and circulation influence the spaces in mid-century modern buildings? What was the intention? How was it achieved?

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Mid Century Modern Buildings Questions You should answer each question in short paragraph.Below are Focus Questions:Lecture 3.1: How do modern architects u
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