Mental Illness in U.S. Prisons | Homework Help
Mental Illness in U.S. Prisons
Ensure that the title of the paper reflects the topic in the paper.
An A paper:
-is well developed and well organized
-clearly illustrates and develops key ideas
-fully supports and analyzes the topic
-displays a high degree of inventiveness and originality
-demonstrates syntactic variety
-is virtually free of errors in mechanics, usage, sentence structure and diction; all references are cited, using APA style.
-Include your opinions, but substantiate opinions with facts.
The accuracy and completeness of all references is your responsibility as a writer. Use APA style of citation. You must cite works in the body of your paper and at the end of the paper in the form of a reference list (bibliography). Failure to do these tasks results in a very low grade for your paper!!
Here is an example of APA format in the BODY of the paper:
(Holt & Miller, 2006).
Here is an example of APA format in the list of references at the END of the paper:
Holt, D. F. & Sam Miller (2006). Family ties during imprisonment. Journal of Sociology and Social Welfare, 18 (1), 87-105.
Avoid using references from the Web, as credibility can be a concern.
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