List and describe 2 family-related, 2 peer-related, and 2 individual characteristics/variables that have been shown to be correlated with drug and alcohol abuse in adolescence | Homework Help

predictors of adolescent drug and alcohol use

Identify common predictors of adolescent drug and alcohol use indicated by the research presented in the textbook. List and describe 2 family-related, 2 peer-related, and 2 individual characteristics/variables that have been shown to be correlated with drug and alcohol abuse in adolescence. Discuss the connections between each system risk factor and information regarding at-risk youth (i.e. family correlations of substance abuse connected to parenting issues).
You will use your textbook and the Clinton et al. text as your references in addition to 2 other scholarly sources.

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List and describe 2 family-related, 2 peer-related, and 2 individual characteristics/variables that have been shown to be correlated with drug and alcohol abuse in adolescence | Homework Help
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