INSTRUCTION As healthcare undergraduate students many of you may decide to further your education and even obtain Doctoral degrees. | Homework Help

INSTRUCTION: As healthcare undergraduate students many of you may decide to further your education and even obtain Doctoral degrees. This assignment is to give an idea and to envision you applying for a doctoral program. Please write a letter of intent, put together a document detailing how and why you will be a successful doctoral learner. Be sure to address the following aspects

1. Why would you pursue a Practitioner Scholar Terminal Degree as opposed to a Research Terminal Degree?
2. What ideas can you have to put together for your healthcare dissertation?
3. What is your plan of action and/or strategies for success in both the classes and the on-site residency classes? (Previous class, experiences, time management skills, emotional, personal and professional support systems, financial support including a plan for out of pocket expenses, etc.)
4. What are your strategies for working well independently and within the team environment that is part of the doctoral learning model?
5. What are your abilities/strategies for adapting to change, new perspectives and new concepts?
6. How receptive are you to constructive criticism?

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INSTRUCTION As healthcare undergraduate students many of you may decide to further your education and even obtain Doctoral degrees. | Homework Help
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