hospitality | Homework Help

hospitality In this assignment, you will review the different hospitality segments discussed in this course and elaborate on which segment interests you. Based on your selection, answer the following questions: ¢Why are you interested in that hospitality segment? ¢Explain current trends in that segment (list at least 3). ¢Why is service important to that segment? ¢How does this segment interact and affect the hospitality industry as a whole? ¢Provide industry careers and locations accepting applications within that segment. For example, if you select casinos, you would need to specify why casinos interest you, what the trends in the casino industry are, how casinos interact with possibly F&B or hotels, and what careers are available currently. You can refer to the following web resources for this assignment: ¢Hotels: Top 2 in the United States Marriott The Hilton ¢Cruise line Royal Caribbean ¢Club The New York Athletic Club ¢Restaurants including TGI Fridays, Hotels, and Travel Agency Carlson ¢Theme Park, Hotel, Entertainment Walt Disney ¢Casinos Trump Casinos Write your responses to the questions about your preferred hospitality segment in a 1000-word Microsoft Word document named AI_HRM110_W5_A2_firstname_lastinitial.doc. Submit this document to the W5: Assignment 2 Dropbox by Sunday, November 9, 2014. Assignment 2 Grading Criteria Maximum Points Assignment Specifications-Student indicated their particular segment and answered 5 bullet points about segment. Document met the 1000 word minimum. 90 Research-Student researched appropriately their segment. 30 Presentation-Document was professional and organized. 30 MLA-Document including references and citations were MLA formatted. 20 Industry Ideals and Expectations-Document contained industry specific details. 30

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