HOSPITAL MERGE | Homework Help
HOSPITAL MERGE Order Description The main individual assignment is a theory paper based on your study of the classics and extensive literature review, which can be used to guide research design to address a major issue affecting public administration in your masters thesis. Once you have identified such a major issue with specific questions and tentative answers based on your interest, experience, previous studies and literature review, your theory paper should focus on providing justification to your hypotheses (or causal models) for use in your Capstone or a major research project. The paper should be about the length of an article for a scholarly journal (at least 4,000 words including minimum of 15 references) to satisfy the requirement of a major writing project. Coverage of the theoretical and research literature (you determine the adequate amount to be included for your topic and indicate why: 15 scholarly publications are a minimum with some from the collections in the textbook), significance of information/data, and quality of writing including analysis and synthesis, arguments/critiques and substantive points (your own hypotheses), citations and references (APA style preferred: organization, grammar, spelling, and punctuation will all affect this grade. Select a theoretical or review article in the Librarys databases (e.g., from one of the key journals listed as a sample of style/format and a target for academic rigor. The paper should be based on thorough knowledge of the course material and show some in-depth learning of a chosen subfield, including specific issues, research conducted so far, theories developed and/or applied, remaining problems and arguments, and my own reasoning/model-building in support of specific hypotheses. Key Journals (MIN. IS 15 REFERENCES IN PAPER) International Journal of Organization Theory and Behavior Organization: The Critical Journal of Organization, Theory and Society Organizational Behaviour Organization Studies Organization Science Journal of International Organizations Studies Academy of Management Review Administrative Theory & Praxis Administration & Society American Review of Public Administration International journal of Public Administration Journal of Policy Analysis and Management Public Administration Review TEXTBOOK USED:CLASSICS OF ORGANIZATION THEORY, J. SHAFRITZ, J. OTT, YONG SUK JANG, (8TH EDITION)
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