HIPPA and the Health Care Professional | Homework Help

HIPPA and the Health Care Professional HIPPA and the Health Care Professional In today’s world in which information is shared with such ease, and almost instantaneously; it is becoming increasingly difficult to maintain strict privacy of our patients. Many times we as individuals become complacent with technology that surrounds us and forget how easily information is shared with others. In an article titled œPhysical security, HIPPA, and the HHS wall of shame. The author points out what several experts have uncovered regarding breaches in data security and HIPPA violations. The author is very clear that most are the result of loss or theft; but does show how they are occurring at freighting regularity. (Sage, 2014) With the easy of privacy violations that are occurring the government has updated the HIPPA guidelines as well as the fines that are associated with these infractions. In an article by DANIEL F. SHAY, JD, AND ALICE G. GOSFIELD, JD they simplified the HIPPA guidelines and the fines that can be imposed for each infraction. (Shay & Gosfield, 2013). The moral and legal dilemma occurs when HIPPA is violated by the advanced practice nurse. (Benefield, Ashkanazi, & Rozensky, 2006) References: Benefield, H., Ashkanazi, G., & Rozensky, R. H. (2006). Communication and records: Hippa issues when working in health care settings.. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, 273-277. Sage, A. (2014). Physical security, HIPPA, and the HHS wall of shame.. International Association for Hospital Security , 85-90. Shay, D. F., & Gosfield, A. G. (2013). HIPPA AGAIN: Confronting the Updated Privacy and Security Rules.. Family Practice Management, 18-22. Case Study Ethical Legal Dilemma Advanced Practice Nursing Description In Unit 2 Topic 2 Discussion you will choose an ethical-legal dilemma that would cause the advanced practice nurse moral distress. You will write the introductory paragraph for the Unit 5 Assignment in the Unit 2 Topic 2 Discussion area and post it for your peers to comment on. (this is the paragraph that I provided abve.) You will continue working on the topic you have chosen and submit the paper using the most recent version of APA format. The paper should have a minimum of 7 citations and some of these should be case law or applicable statutes. The Kaplan Library has Westlaw Campus Research database where you can find case law that relates to your topic. The APA Manual and the textbook have instructions on legal formatting. Directions: 1. Create an ethical legal decision-making dilemma involving an advanced practice nurse in the field of education, informatics, administration, or a nurse practitioner. 2. Include one ethical principle and one law that could be violated and whether the violation would constitute a civil or criminal act based on facts in the law. 3. Construct a decision that would prevent violation of the ethical principle and prevent the law from being violated. 4. Describe the legal principles and laws that apply to the ethical dilemma. 5. Support the legal issues with prior legal cases or state or federal statutes. 6. Analyze the differences between ethical and legal reasoning and apply an ethical-legal reasoning model in the case study to create a basis for a solution to the ethical-legal dilemma. 7. List three recommendations that will resolve advanced practice nurses moral distress in the dilemma you have presented. 8. Based on the issue you presented, the rules of law apply the laws to you case and come up with a conclusion. Note: This is a fact-based assignment that will not include your opinion. This will require research and support for what is written. The assignment should be paraphrased without quotations from scholarly and fact-based publications.

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