Health Promotion and Nutrition | Homework Help

Health Promotion and Nutrition The opportunity to graduate with an internationally accredited degree in research from a reputable university is here and yours for the grabbing. This no other than The International Health Development Research Centre (IHDRC). Pay a visit to campuses today and discover the true hub of research. Come have a one on one engagement with our esteemed staff and current students. Furherwmore we offer professional doctorate in Health Promotion for senior professional practitioners with relevant masters degree. We have unmatched skills assessment procedures that enable students to thoroughly study research topics related to their professional practice (Stolte 1995) . Research students are assured of benefiting a big deal from the several reliable international, national and local research projects that we have undertaken. They stand to get stimulating focus and great source of expertise from the research projects (Aldinger et al 2009). Among these valuable studies is one tackling health gradient in relation to social and health inequalities, known as the Gradient Project. The Gradient Project is a collaborative research project which involves 12 institutions, including public health institutes, research institutes and universities like ours. The whole project is under the able coordination of EuroHealthNet and has attracted funding from the European Community’s Seventh Framework Programme (FP7 2007-2013) “ Health Research, under grant agreement No. 223252. The timeline of the health project is from April 2009 to 2012 (The Gradient, 2009). The main aim of the Gradient Project is to focus on addressing health inequalities among families and children with the target being to convince policy makers to take necessary steps in reducing the health gradient. Families and children are the focus because the biggest impact on reducing the health gradient would be attained through early life policy interventions as well as creating equal opportunities during childhood and adolescence (University of Brighton 2011). As such the Gradient Project aims to tackle the problem of knowledge gap regarding such matters as the appropriate actions needed to level-up the gradient in health inequalities. It also aims at ensuring that political momentum is sustained as well development of operational strategies that would yield progress in the issue of health inequalities (Sharlin et al 2010) . In relation to nutritional matters, the Gradient Project is providing knowledge that good diet and adequate food supply are integral for promoting health and well-being. This is essentially so because currently there is widespread health inequalities between groups of people within countries and between countries (O’Donnell 2009). The inequalities arise from varied social and economic conditions which determine the sort of diet that certain group of people can have. As such those with better socio-economic standings have the benefit of good nutrition as opposed to the poor of the society. Unequal distribution of benefits of economic growth among countries has led to disparities in nutrition among people. Similarly, many poor nations cannot well feed themselves because of great national debt (World Bank 2008). Furthermore there are huge gaps between the rich and the poor across the world. The apparent lack of food security and lack of proper food policies in many countries has made many people to suffer from nutrition-related health problems like malnutrition and deficiency diseases (Haber 2010). The politicization of the food issue through the allowing of global market forces to shape the food policy has added the disparities in nutritional health of people across the globe (Clark 2002). Access to good and affordable food makes more difference to what people eat than health education. Therefore there is need to have integration of public health perspespectives into the food system to provide affordable and nutritious fresh food for all. There must also be democratic, transparent decision making and accountability in all food regulation matters, support for nature friendly sustainale agriculture and food productions methods, stronger food culture knowledge through imparting of food and nutrition knowledge, cooking skills and other beneficial social elements relating to food (Elmadfa 2009). Finally, the health inadequaties as relates to nutrition can be addressed by employing scientific based nutrient reference values and food-based dietary guidelines in order to facilitate the develop[ment and implementation of policies on food and nutrition (Watson 2008). Campus students will benefit from such detailed research projects at our university. Reference Aldinger, C et al, (2009), Case studies in global school health promotion: from research to practice, Springer, Berlin. Clark, C.C, (2002), Health promotion in communities: holistic and wellness approaches, Springer Publishing Company, Berlin. Elmadfa, I, (2009), European nutrition and health report 2009, Karger Publishers, Basel. Haber, D. (2010), Health promotion and aging: practical applications for health professionals, Springer Publishing Company, Berlin. O’Donnell, P.M, (2001), Health promotion in the workplace, Cengage Learning, Connecticut. University of Brighton, (2011), International Health Development Research Centre, Retrieved 24th October 2011 from Sharlin, J et al, (2010), Essentials of Life Cycle Nutrition, Jones & Bartlett Learning, Massachusetts. Stolte, M.K, (1995), Wellness nursing diagnosis for health promotion, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Philadelphia. Watson, R.R, (2008), Eggs and Health Promotion, John Wiley & Sons, New Jersey. World Bank. (2008), The World Bank Research Program, 2005-2007: Abstracts of Current. World Bank Publications, Zurich.

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