Health Disparity | Homework Help

Week 4 CAT: In my Opinion This is the Most Important Issue: answer the following question in a paragraph with one reference: The number one most important health disparity issue in the United States is¦..because. 1. Lack of education 2. Socio-economic Disparities 3. Cultural Beliefs 4. Physical Access to Care 5. Adequate number of Providers of Care 6. Other Review the following website: Write a separate paragraph addressing the last question with one reference. The Global Health Initiative is a U.S. Funded program that aims to improve the welfare of mothers, protect communities against infectious disease and reduce AIDS incidence. This is a multi-agency effort that includes support from USAID and the CDC. The site has some wonderful in-depth examples of how a publicly funded program attempts to address complex international health issues. Take a look and share what you learned! Do efforts by GHI interface with attempts to curtail tuberculosis in Urban and Rural areas, If so, how?

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