Health control and disease prevention | Homework Help

Health control and disease prevention The term paper is an in-depth, literature-grounded analysis of a significant health policy issue. The paper is to be approximately 2,750 words in length (excluding the list of references cited at the end), apply and cite at least ten high-quality references, and address the following ten elements: TOPIC CHOSEN BY STUDENT : œHealth Promotion and Disease Prevention 1) Overview and Significance of the Health Policy Issue 2) History of the Health Policy Issue (Including Legislative Processes and Partisan Politics) 3) Current Challenges Associated with the Health Policy Issue 4) Stakeholder Analysis 5) Policy Options and Analysis of Trade-Offs 6) Policy Recommendations 7) Recommended Roles for Federal Government, State Government, and Markets 8) Implications of the Policy Recommendations a) Analysis of Population Health Implications b) Analysis of Economic Implications c) Analysis of Political Implications d) Analysis of Implications for Health Care Organizations e) Application of (2) university Core Values 9) Conclusion 10) References Cited

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