Glycogen synthesis and degradation in liver and muscle | Homework Help

1. Glycogen synthesis and degradation in the liver and muscle is very similar. Which of the following enzymes is not used in both muscle and liver for these metabolic pathways?
-UDP-glucose pyruvate
-glcogen synthase

2. Following a meal, fructose 2,6 bisphosphate levels will be elevated in the liver. Under these metabolic conditions, all of the following enzymes will be active except:
-glycogen phosphorylase
-pyruvate kinase

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Glycogen synthesis and degradation in liver and muscle | Homework Help
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3. There are several anaplerotic reactions required to replenish intermediates of the TCA cycle. All of the following compounds can be used for these anaplerotic reaction except:
– propinyl CoA
-OID chain fatty acids

4. In the RBC, glucose can be oxidized to two primary products. One of the oxidation proucts is ribulose 5 phosphate, and the other is which of the following compounds?
-acetyl CoA


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