Find two national, two state, and two local governmental health agency websites that address the issue from the Article Review assignment | Homework Help

Find two national, two state, and two local governmental health agency websites that address the issue from the Article Review assignment. All information is documented on the table: o The website o The information on the website o The type of surveillance o How the data changes over time o Two interventions that affect the issue Part B: Written Summary The written summary includes the following: o How the information overlaps, the type of structure at each governmental level, and functions at each level o How each level of government works together o A definition of public and community health Organization/Development 20 Percent The summary is 700 to 1,050 words in length. The introduction provides sufficient background on the topic and previews major points. The conclusion is logical, flows, and reviews the major points.

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Find two national, two state, and two local governmental health agency websites that address the issue from the Article Review assignment | Homework Help
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