Features of allosteric inhibition | Homework Help

Question: Determine which of the following are features of allosteric inhibition? During the infection, there are many different environments that P. multocida will encounter. In order to cause an infection like the one in Sam’s forearm, P. multocida must regulate its metabolic pathways in order to adapt to the changing environments. The process of glycolysis is regulated at several steps by allosteric inhibition. Which of the following are features of allosteric inhibition? The allosteric inhibitor binds to a site distinct from the active site resulting in decreased affinity of the enzyme for the substrate. In order to function, allosteric inhibitors must have structural similarity to the enzyme substrate. Allosteric inhibition can be reversed. Allosteric inhibition can be irreversible. Allosteric inhibition can be overcome by increasing the amount of substrate in the reaction.

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