Express the genotypes of the adults in the cross | Homework Help

Q. In a particular species of guppy, tails can either be long or short and either feathered or straight. A cross between a true-breeding long, feather-tailed male guppy and a true-breeding short, straight-tailed female guppy produces progeny that all have short, straight tails.

a) Express the genotypes of the adults in the cross and the genotypes of all the progeny.

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b) Find out the phenotypic frequencies of the progeny in an F2 generation.

c) A mating between a short feather-tailed female and a short, straight-tailed male from the F1 generation produces 30 short, straight-tailed guppies; 42 short, feather-tailed guppies; 10 long, straight-tailed guppies; and 14 long, feather-tailed guppies.

Analyze the data using the chi-squared fit test to determine if the frequencies of phenotypes are what would be expected from this cross.


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