Experimental varieties of strawberry | Homework Help

Question: Two experimental varieties of strawberry are produced by crossing a hexaploid line that contains 48 chromosomes and a tetraploid line that contains thirty-two chromosomes. Experimental variety 1 contains 40 chromosomes, and experimental variety 2 contains 56 chromosomes

Do you expect both experimental lines to be fertile?
No, only tetraploid line wil be fertile
No, only hexaploid line will be fertile
Yes, both experimental line will be fertile
Neither line is expected to be fertile
How many chromosomes from the hexaploid line are contributed to experimental variety 1?

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Experimental varieties of strawberry | Homework Help
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How many chromosomes from the hexaploid line are contributed to experimental variety 2?

How many chromosomes from the tetraploid lines are contributed to experimental variety 1? How many chromosomes from the tetraploid lines are contributed to experimental variety 2?



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