Examine the manner in which health care leaders progress through each phase of the control process to manage organizations. | Homework Help
Locate an example of a policy or guideline from an external source to a healthcare organization. Explain how this policy or guideline may be a constraint to a healthcare organizations planning, or how it may shape the healthcare organizations philosophy. For example, given that the American Academy of Pediatrics offers guidelines on child vaccinations, these guidelines might impact the ability of the healthcare organization to deliver services to newborns and infants. Using a similar example, as well as the characteristics of effective plans as your framework, discuss how proper planning can help organizations in their future decision making.
Assignment #2
The control process involves three phases that are cyclic: establishing standards, measuring performance, and correcting deviations. Examine the manner in which health care leaders progress through each phase of the control process to manage organizations. What is the management function of controlling as related to performance improvement? What tools are used to measure and monitor performance? Please describe at least two functions and two tools in your response.
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