Estimate the distance in centimorgans between these genes | Homework Help

the drosophila allele (by) determines the mutant phenotype blistery wings and the wild type allele (by+) determines normal wings. At another gene, the allele (ss) determines the mutant phenotype spineless bristles and the wild type allele (ss+) determines spiny bristles. A female fly that is heterozygous for both genes is crossed with a male that has blistery wings and spineless bristles. Four different phenotypes are seen in the progeny, in the following numbers:

normal wings by+, spiny bristles ss+ 222
by+, spineless bristles ss 23
blistery wings by, ss+ 27
by, ss 228

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Estimate the distance in centimorgans between these genes | Homework Help
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a. estimate the distance in centiMorgans between these genes

b. write out genotypes of each parent and each of the 4 offsprings. notation of genotypes should indicate which alleles share the same chromosome. for each offspring indicate whether it arose from a parental gamete or a recombinant gamete.

c. is the female parent in coupling or repulsion phase.


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