ECON 2216 Dalhousie University The Economics of Global Warming Paper Please answer ONE of the following questions. About 1?2 a page of medium sized handwri

ECON 2216 Dalhousie University The Economics of Global Warming Paper Please answer ONE of the following questions. About 1?2 a page of medium sized handwriting.

i) Discuss pros and cons of cap and trade in comparison to emissions standards and taxes based on TWO criteria. OR
ii) Discuss two ways economists estimate and monetize climate change damages. OR
iii) Discuss pros and cons of allowing international forest offsetting in cap and trade markets. OR iv) Explain factors that affect the economist’s choice of social discount rates and how this affects their advice on how fast to abate and carbon price trajectories.

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ECON 2216 Dalhousie University The Economics of Global Warming Paper Please answer ONE of the following questions. About 1?2 a page of medium sized handwri
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