EARTH 10 University Of California Santa Barbara Antarctica Video Response For your third and final assignment, you must write a one-page, single-spaced (>4

EARTH 10 University Of California Santa Barbara Antarctica Video Response For your third and final assignment, you must write a one-page, single-spaced (>400 words) response to (part of) a movie, book, or TV series about Antarctica.


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EARTH 10 University Of California Santa Barbara Antarctica Video Response For your third and final assignment, you must write a one-page, single-spaced (>4
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You must choose one of the following, which must substantially be related to Antarctica, and specifically indicate which chapter or portion you chose:
A chapter of a book (~15-20 pages) about Antarctica. Fiction or non-fiction is fine, but it must be substantially related to Antarctica.
An episode of a television series (at least 30 minutes). Fiction/popular media is fine.
Part of a movie (at least 30 minutes, I recommend just covering the first thirty minutes). Fiction/popular media is fine.

Some possibilities are listed in a document on Gauchospace. It is completely fine to use something that we have already watched or read for class. We will be looking closely for plagiarized text. If in doubt whether something is Antarctica-specific enough, email me!

•You must answer the following question: What did this show, movie, or book touch on that we learned about in class? This goes for popular media as well.

•You must also answer this question: what is something about Antarctica that you would not have known if you hadn’t watched or read this? This goes for popular media as well.


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