Drug Counceling program | Homework Help
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Paper instructions:
Review the Chapter 10 section entitled How to Collect Data and the Project Management in Practice section entitled Drug Counseling Program and create a project
report/schedule based on the scenario below.
A social service agency has tasked you with developing a project plan that allows them to collect effective data from their clients to meet governmental guidelines
within their grants. The process must be free from ambiguity, vagueness, and bias. Based on the scenario below and the assigned reading develop a project plan that
will meet the needs of the agency.
Drug Counseling Program
A social service agency applied for and received funding for a special project to counsel male drug addicts between 18 and 24 years of age, and to secure full-time
employment for each client (or
part-time employment for clients who were still in school). To qualify for the program, the addicts must have been arrested for a crime, but not be classified as
repeat offenders. Further, the addict must be living with at least one member of his family who is a parent or guardian. Among other conditions placed on the grant,
the agency was asked to develop a measure of effectiveness for the counseling program that was acceptable to the funding agency.
The primary measure of effectiveness adopted by most drug programs is rate of recidivism. A recidivistic incident is defined as any re-arrest for a drug-related
crime, or any behavior that resulted in the individual reentering the social service system after completing the program and being discharged.
While a re-arrest is most surely recidivistic, there were several cases in which former clients contacted the agency and asked to be re-admitted to the program.
These voluntary re-admissions resulted when a former client either began to use drugs again or was fearful that he would begin again. It seemed to the agency
professionals that voluntary re-admissions were successes, not failures. (Meredith & Mantel, 2012, p. 445)
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