Draw several respiratory cycles | Homework Help

Breathing through a snorkel allows you to enjoy the wonders of the under-water world. However, it also affects your respiratory tract. (A) Draw several respiratory cycles (volumes as a function of time, labeling the y-axis and x-axis with appropriately approximate values so you can label, (1) functional residual volume, (2) tidal volume, (3) residual volume, (4) vital capacity, and (5) inspiratory reserve volume. (B) Which volume/volumes would be directly influenced by the snorkel? (C) Which of the volumes would need to be adjusted to keep the pO2 of the pulmonary blood at a normal value while breathing through a snorkel? (D) What, if anything would happen to minute ventilation (explain using an equation)? Assume the volume of the snorkel is 100 mL, and that neither your breathing rate nor oxygen consumption change.

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