Difference between a root and a rhizoid | Homework Help

1. What’s the difference between a root and a rhizoid?
2. Alternation of generations is a type of life cycle found in which of the following?
All land plant species only some kinds of land plants multicellular protists
Unicellular protists some animals
3. What are the “two hallmarks” (p. 574) of alternation of generations? What two stages alternate, and when do mitosis and meiosis happen?
4. When the alternate generations look like the same organism, which term is used: heteromorphic, or isomorphic?
5. In mosses, which generation (gametophyte or sporophyte) is vegetatively dominant –that is, produces more greenery, stays green for a longer period, is more independent and self-feeding?
b. How is this shown in a “pie diagram” of the life cycle (fig 28.4)?
7. How many copies of each kind of chromosome does a haploid gametophyte have, per cell?
8. Which of the three bryophyte groups commonly has a thalloid growth form?
b. Which of the three has a stem-and-leaf growth form rather than a thallus?
9. What does the sporophyte generation look like in a liverwort, a moss, and a hornwort? (Species within each group are variable; pick a common example from each group to contrast them.)

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