Compute the recombination fraction | Homework Help

Phenotype Number
Pale, round, tall 648
Pale, oval, tall 64
Pale, round, short 10
Pale, oval, short 102
Dark, oval, tall 6
Dark, oval, short 618
Dark, round, short 84
Dark, round, tall 98

A wild-type trihybrid soybean plant is crossed to a pure-breeding soybean plant with the recessive phenotypes pale leaf l, oval seed (r), and short height (t).  The corresponding dominant wild-type alleles result in dark leaves (L), round seeds (R), and tall height (T). The results of the three-point test cross are shown in the table.

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Compute the recombination fraction | Homework Help
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Part A

What is the genotype of the wild-type trihybrid soybean plant? Use L, R, and T to represent dominant alleles and l, r, and t for recessive alleles.

LrT / lRt

Lrt / lRT

LRT / lrt

LRt / lrT

Part B

Place the alleles in their correct gene order.

Place the alleles in their correct gene order.




Part C

Calculate the recombination fraction between T and L pair of genes.

Enter your answer to three decimal places (example 0.251).

Part D

Calculate the recombination fraction between T and R pair of genes.

Enter your answer to three decimal places (example 0.201).

Part E

Calculate the interference value for these data.

Enter your answer to three decimal places (example 0.201).


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