COMP 1001 MEC Computer Organization Parts & Their Functions Essay Module Learning Outcomes The following LOs are achieved by the student by completing the

COMP 1001 MEC Computer Organization Parts & Their Functions Essay Module Learning Outcomes

The following LOs are achieved by the student by completing the assignment successfully

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COMP 1001 MEC Computer Organization Parts & Their Functions Essay Module Learning Outcomes The following LOs are achieved by the student by completing the
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1) Identify, install, work and troubleshoot with computer accessories.

2) Describe different hardware devices and explain how they work

Assignment Objective

This assignment aims to introduce the student to the process of PC assembly by inviting him to conduct research of different PC components and selection of compatible ones according to a number of requirements as well as describing the installation steps.

Task : Assemble a Basic Desktop PC

Desktop computers can be less expensive and more convenient to what the user needs if he assemble the different components by himself.

In this task, you will help a student in Multimedia specialization who has limited budget to assemble his own PC by suggesting to him the list of components that he needs to purchase and an installation guide.

a) You need to conduct a research on a list of PC components, compare and contrast between their characteristics, identify the model of devices to be purchased taking into consideration the compatibility between them and explain how they are working. This list must include:

(50 Marks)

1. Motherboard

2. CPU

3. Memory (RAM)

4. Processor and Case funs

5. Hard drive

b) Prepare an installation guide in which you describe the steps to be followed for the PC assembly.


 Assignment must be computer typed.

 Font – Times New Roman

 Font – Style – Regular

 Font – Size – 12

 Heading should be with Font Size 14, Bold, Capital and Underline.

 Explain with suitable diagrams wherever required. Diagrams must be drawn using suitable software


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