Capabilities of the public sector to resolve public health issues

WK 2 – research paper
Healthcare Delivery Systems
2.1 Public Health Issues
Shi, L., & Singh, D. A. (2015). Delivering health care in America: A systems approach (6th ed.). Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning.
ISBN: 9781284074635
To assess your ability to assess the capabilities of the public sector to resolve public health issues.
Action Items- IMPORTANT
1. Research what the major public health issues are facing the U.S. healthcare system. Assess the extent to which the public sector is capable of resolving these issues and support your position with relevant, scholarly sources.
o Conduct basic research about the issue. Consider both current and historical information, as applicable.
o Reflect on the issues. While there may be a relatively straightforward answer or approach, consider the issues from different perspectives.
o Consider additional implications, impacts, etc. related to the issues.
2. By Wednesday, write a 250- to 350-word position (no more than one to two pages). Use the Discuss tool to post your position to the Public Health Issues topic.
3. By Sunday, review the posts of two of your peers. Write a 150-word response to each peer in which you respectfully and professionally offer your opinion of their posts:
o Pose a clarifying question (e.g., What did you mean by….., Why did you say…., What criteria did you use…., What was your intention…, What is the connection…., What were your assumptions….?).
o Provide an additional insight, an “ah-hah moment”, or a respectful refutation.
o Provide an application or practical example (e.g., I have seen an example of this…., The result of this could be…).
4. Review the Grading Rubric for this assignment.

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Capabilities of the public sector to resolve public health issues
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